Sunday, August 12, 2007

How I Lost Weight -After Church Breakfast

Well this morning I woke up and did my exercises. 25 crunches 25 push-ups.I think if you can't do push-ups that a few reps with dumbells will work. Then I my wife and I had to run around a bit and get everything ready for my mother to watch our daughter while we went to church.... Kind of a hectic Sunday morning actually. After church and a big cup of coffee my wife made me of all things an omelet. It was a 2 egg omelet with ham and mushrooms and and very light on the tomatoes.. It was really good, especially since I usually eat before church. :) Anyways I think we'll most likely have rice tonight, with shrimp and maybe chopped beef,asparagus,cauliflower and possibly baby corn on top. I will mostly likely do another work out tonight as well. I am, given the time going top go on short walks soon as well because I think one of the things that helped me LOSE weight so fast besides the diets, was the walking. We would go on walks along the beach every other day and enjoy the sunsets.

Well that's todays input,

Sometime this week I'll give you my new weight since I've been back from Thailand... I don't imagine it has changed that much. As you can imagine when I get back into the states I eat a bit of American food, ya know fast food a big cheeseburger or too etc... But I get back on track right away and so I don't think it's affected me too much.We'll find out soon enough!

To your weight losing success!

Ruben S.

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